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Annandale Boys & Girls Club

Cheerleading Overview





Cheerleading is a team sport designed for girls and boys between the ages of 5 and 15.  There is no experience required and no tryouts to make a squad.  All that is required is enthusiasm, spirit, and regular practice to master moves, words, and build on teamwork. Cheerleading offers young children a chance to refine skills involving stunting and dance – possibly to pursue high school cheerleading. Squads are organized to ensure team compatibility and safety.


Cheerleading is an athletic sport, involving strength for stunting, and stamina while you cheer and dance.  The cheerleaders get the teams fired up with personalized cheers, signs and banners, tunnels at the end of games and special crowd chants.  One of the key goals is to unite the cheerleading and football volunteers, and for all the children involved, to have an experience they will never forget!


Practices are at Annandale Terrace Tuesday & Thursday from 6PM - 8PM.

Games are EVERY Saturday morning or early afternoon at a local field.

A little about the coaches…...


Welcome to ABGC Youth Cheer!  I am delighted to have you as a part of my squad.  My name is Bre McCoy and I am the Cheer Commissioner.

I’ve been affiliated with Annandale Boys & Girls Club for years.  I served in many different roles and am excited to be heading up cheer.

We are looking forward to yet another rewarding season!!!

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