For a full description of the organization and contact information

The Annandale Boys & Girls Club mission is to provide a variety of instructional, recreational and competitive youth sports opportunities, emphasizing learning, teamwork and sportsmanship, focusing on age-appropriate player development that is fun, improves self-esteem, self-confidence, and respect for others.
The Annandale Boys & Girls Club has a 55+ year commitment to making sports accessible to all children. If you would like to see if your son or daughter qualifies for a Youth Sports Scholarship, click here to download a printable form. Read through the qualifications. If your child qualifies, fill out the form and bring it in to the office to register your child for their sport.

About Us
Annandale Boys' & Girls' Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, (more commonly known for marketing purposes as
Annandale Boys & Girls Club or
ABGC) providing recreational and competitive multi-sport activities for youth in the Northern Virginia area.
The club has been operating since 1959 from its main office in downtown Annandale. The club also operates a Bingo Hall on Friday and Saturday nights in nearby Alexandria and has a Sports Center a few miles from Annandale in Springfield, VA (see "Facility Locations" in the top navigation bar for specific locations and directions).
The club has produced seven national championship soccer teams, two national championship basketball teams, as well as many state and regional championship teams. Several professional football and soccer players developed their skills in the club, including the club's President, Kip Germain, who played professional soccer for the Washington Diplomats and Atlanta Chiefs; Scott Norwood, who played in the Super Bowl for the Buffalo Bills; John Stollmeyer, who played in the 1990 World Cup for the United States, and Clarence Goodson, who played in the 2010 World Cup.
The club has many sports programs for youth fitness and a few affiliated programs for adult fitness.
Soccer programs
- for youth Pre-K to 4th grade are provided through Recreation Soccer
- for youth ages 10-19 can participate in Suburban Friendship League (SFL) Soccer
- On a competitive selection basis, some are asked to participate in Travel Soccer, which involves travel to tournaments around the state, the country, and sometimes outside the U.S.
- Soccer programs also include camp sessions - three in the Summer and one in the Spring - where players can develop their skills.
- Winter Indoor Soccer.
In addition to year-round soccer programs, the club has
- Fall Sports: Football, Cheerleading, Field Hockey and T-Ball;
- Winter Sports: Basketball and Wrestling; and
- Spring Sports: Lacrosse, and T-Ball.
- Boxing is available year-round.
Affiliated programs held at ABGC facilities for adults include Jazzercise, Zumba, and Tai Chi. Programs for youth include Kung Fu.